Are you happy? Or does Happiness come and go? Are you often dissatisfied with your circumstances and keep longing for what you don’t have, like the job, the lover, the body, the money? If that sounds like you, then you, like many, are used to surface (conditional) happiness.
What you seek is True Happiness.

What Is True Happiness?
True Happiness is long-lasting, stable, secure and abundant. True Happiness is the result of a harmonious mind, body, and soul connection: a mind aware of its power, a body heard, felt, and nurtured, a soul seated in its divinity. That balance is called alignment. Being in and maintaining alignment involves letting go of the false self by reconnecting with your true identity, getting playful with your inner child, and receiving guidance from your intuition. Rediscover yourself and be forever changed. Happiness will go from a fleeting high to a consistent state of being.
Transforming yourself is the ultimate path toward transforming your Life. It is a powerful and intentional process, and having a skilled guide coach you through the transition can make all the difference. There is a light inside of you, a power waiting to be explored, and with the right coach, you can alchemize any break-down into a break-through.

does life feel hard?
Do you often feel depleted or stuck? Constantly at war inside yourself? Riddled with uncertainty, plagued by doubt and fear? Are you often exhausted and burnt out, tired of pushing yourself and pouring time and energy into endeavours that yield little to no results? Does life feel heavy and hard? You’re not alone. Many people feel and believe life is hard. And guess what? Their lives are hard. But how come? Are some people just born unlucky?

Mind-Body-Soul alignment
What if I told you life doesn’t have to feel hard? The challenges, or contrast, you experience are a direct reflection, or symptom, of inner imbalance, or misalignment. Being out of alignment is like paddling upstream against a heavy and persistent current or sitting on a one-legged chair. No wonder life is hard! It’s time to start flowing downstream.
When you learn to bring balance to your different parts (your mind a.k.a divine masculine, your body a.k.a divine feminine, your soul a.k.a inner child), everything around you will fall into place naturally. You will feel invigorated and energized, attracting all sorts of new opportunities, and life will seem magical. Together, we will clear out the blockages, shed the false narratives, free you from the hindering energies you’ve inherited or collected over the years that are keeping you misaligned and develop new habits and new ways to play with life and harness your energy to establish and maintain alignment.

M-Angel Coaching
Meet Your Happiness Coach
Hi, I’m Marie-Ange Audigé, a.k.a M-Angel, a Happiness Coach. I combine self-development practices with creativity and spirituality to deepen one’s capacity for happiness. By cultivating energetic harmony, all areas of your life will be enhanced simultaneously (health, wealth, love, etc.). My approach is playful, spiritual, and transformative. It involves active listening, thought-provoking questions, visualization exercises, guided meditations, scripting, intuitive drawing & painting (art coaching), tarot or oracle card reading, and fun exercises to do in between sessions, all to stimulate your expansion in an enjoyable way.
Choose Your Happiness!
Discover below my top Coaching Programs and see what resonates with you.

Manifest Love
Are you starting to give up on your quest for your ideal relationship? It may be time for you to cultivate love in a new way. Together, we'll redefine, explore, and walk down the path of love toward the partnership that is right for you.

Find Peace of Mind
Do you often feel stressed, lost, or anxious? With compassion and curiosity, we'll explore the state of your mind, body, and soul connection and nurture its balance, allowing you to feel and maintain inner peace with ease.

Live With Purpose
Living a life with meaning, passion and purpose may mean quitting your job, changing your career, or finding the right work/life balance. Whether you're staying where you are but changing yourself or exploring new career paths, we will play with releasing fears and embracing the courage and inspiration you'll need to move forward.

Be Intuitive
When you feel stuck and don't know what to do, it means you aren't connected to your intuition. Reconnect to your Divine Feminine, your inner wisdom and learn to make confident, clear decisions by receiving guidance and trusting yourself. Start your journey to a more intuitive, empowered you today.

For Moon Lovers
Whether you're curious about tarot cards or totally into "magic," this fun and transformative program is for you. Get a personal tarot or oracle card reading every Full Moon and New Moon, great times to connect to divine energy and receive powerful wisdom, clarity, and guidance.

Create Your Program
Had something else in mind? Together, we can customize a program tailor-made for your goals and desires, within the timeframe that is right for you. Simply reach out and share what it is you are wanting.
1:1 Stand-Alone Coaching Session
Not sure if you're ready to invest in yourself and commit to a multi-session program, or you're in need of quick guidance and clarity? Simply fill out the form below to schedule a stand-alone session.
Stand-Alone Session Request
just think happy thoughts?
Conventional coaching takes its cues from CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), which involves changing your thoughts and choosing your words mindfully to feel better. While the mind plays a crucial part in the process, my holistic approach highlights instead the importance and inter-connectedness of the mind, the body, and the soul. Happiness is Wholeness, which can only be achieved when all parts of you receive love, respect, and attention. Basically, you can’t just “think” happy, you have to “feel” and “be” happy too.

Happiness is an inside job.
You can learn to cultivate a life of ease. An easier life, however, doesn’t mean a life without challenges! Living an intentionally easier life is the difference between getting caught in the rain without an umbrella, and having an umbrella, a raincoat and rain boots on as you prance through the downpour listening to your “rainy day” playlist. The challenge is the same, but the tools you have to navigate the experience make all the difference. That’s why my coaching method is about making life playful again.
Creativity and fun are at the center of my coaching approach to reconnect you to the old you, or rather the “young” you. Children are naturally happy. They play, laugh, cry, move through their emotions and desires with fluidity and an innate sense of who they are and what they want at all times. By letting others tell us what to believe, what to want, what to value and who we are, we lose that intuitive sense of self. Remembering who we really are is essential to finding true happiness.

What exactly is Coaching?
Behind every great athlete is a great coach. A skilled coach reminds you of your greatness by shining a light on your strengths and on what hinders your progress. Whereas therapy deals with recalling and feeling the past, coaching focuses on moving forward and embracing the future by paving a way toward the life experience you want and becoming the person you want to be. A great coach is an ally, a guide, a sounding board, and a mirror.
Contrary to popular belief, a coach doesn’t solve problems. You do. Most of the “magic” actually happens in between coaching sessions, when the energy and ideas cultivated during the coaching session are integrated. Coaching efficacy ultimately depends on both personal investment and pairing up with the right coach. As with any profession, there are as many coaching styles as there are coaches. Once you find the right coach and are ready for and open to the journey, you’ll find coaching can be deeply transformational and life-changing.

Are you ready to transform your life and feel true happiness?